This term we have been busy playing, exploring, learning new routines, becoming more independent and making new friends.
Some of our rhymes of the week have been..
5 Cheeky monkey’s swinging in a tree
Old Macdonald had a farm
5 pumpkins in a row
Wind a bobbing up
Humpty Dumpty
Some of our stories of the week have been..
Pig gets lost
Owl Babies
Noisy farm story sack
Don’t tickle the hippo
We’re going on a ghost hunt
Dear Zoo
Dragon on the doorstep
Freddy the frog
Foggy Foggy Forest
Some of our physical activities have been..
Sleeping bunnies
Music & Movement
Here we go round the mulberry bush
Sensory walk
Bikes & scooters
Walks to the library
Some of the things we have been exploring and playing with are..
Apple painting Sea creatures Animals in paint (footprints) Scissor skills Play dough with collage materials
Building on independence Big sandpit fun Mud kitchen Cotton bud painting Threading Babies Light box
Fire stations Pumpkin Painting Making Insect homes Bikes & Scooters Hula Hoops Small item Discovery trolley
Den building Learning to take risks Dinosaurs Arctic animals Pumpkin, golf tees and hammers
Giant spider web & fine motor skills Dressing up