Equipment & resources

We believe that high quality care and education is promoted by providing children with safe, clean, attractive, age and stage appropriate resources, toys and equipment. Our aim is to consolidate and extend their knowledge, skills, interests and aptitudes with the resources we provide.


Our equipment and resources are safe and where applicable conform to the BSEN safety standards or Toys S afety Regulation 2011.

We have sufficient equipment for the number of children we have in setting.

Our resources promote all areas of learning, whether in child or adult led activities.

Positive images of people of all races, cultures and abilities are portrayed in our books. They are non-discriminatory and avoid racial and gender stereotyping.

Our equipment promotes continuity and progression and encourage sufficient challenges.

Natural, made and recycled materials are used. They are clean and safe.

Furniture is suitable for children, and adults also have suitable furniture.

We encourage self-selection and independence to choose.

Resources are checked at the beginning and end of each day. Broken toys are discarded or mended.

Insurance is adequate for our setting.

When able, we use local library or other resources to support children’s interests.

Planning is carried out to provide familiar and new experiences.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of Rainbows Preschool

September 2021