We endeavour to set our fees at a competitive rate while providing high quality childcare. We will monitor attendance as part of our safeguarding procedure.
Non attendance should be reported to any of the preschool leaders if possible.
Parents/Carers will be contacted if absence is unusually long.
It is expected that your child will attend on pre-arranged sessions.
We aim to be as flexible as possible and will endeavour to change sessions if required.
Our fees are set at £6.75 per hour. Your hours must be paid for if you do not receive the Nursery Grant.
Invoices are sent out at the beginning of each term, and we expect balances to be paid by the end of the term.
BACS payment is preferred, but we will accept cash or childcare vouchers.
One month’s notice is required if you wish to relinquish your child’s place and a month’s fee must be paid.
Nursery Education Grant
All children are entitled to 15hours free education after the term in which they turn 3. If you meet certain criteria, some children are entitled to 2yr funding. All funding will be organised by the preschool leaders. Additionally, some working families may be entitled to 30hr funding. Attendance at preschool for these hours does depend on availability.
Childcare Vouchers
Rainbows Preschool has a tax free childcare account. We are also registered with a number of childcare voucher companies. Please speak to one of the leaders to get further information.
Fees are expected to be paid if your child is absent due to illness or other reasons. If there are long term sickness absences, the preschool leaders will use their discretion on payment.
Late payment of fees
Please pay fees as soon as possible after receiving your invoice, there is £5 late payment charge.
Reminders will be sent if there are any fees outstanding.
Please speak to one of the preschool leaders if paying your invoice is a problem. Payment plans can be arranged.
If fees continue to be outstanding then proceedings through the small claims court will be instigated, and parents will be asked to withdraw their child from the preschool until payments have been settled.
The preschool closes on all bank holidays and fees are adjusted accordingly. However, if a child has a holiday during term time fees are still payable.
Working Tax Credits
If you receive WTC, you may be able to get help towards the cost of childcare. For further details contact the tax credits helpline on 0845 300 3900, visit HMRC website or For the hard of hearing or speech impaired please call 0845 300 3909.
This policy was adopted at a meeting of Rainbows Preschool.
September 2021