
Policy Statement

Our preschool believes that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our preschool and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the preschool. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns.


We aim to bring all concerns to a satisfactory conclusion for all parties involved. To achieve this we operate the following procedures:-

Stage 1

Any parent will be encouraged to discuss any aspects that they are uneasy about with the preschool leaders.

Stage 2

If this does not have a satisfactory outcome, or the problem reoccurs, the parents are requested to put the complaint into writing to the preschool leaders.

Most complaints are resolved at Stage 1 or 2.

Stage 3

The parents should request a meeting with the preschool leaders, with accompanying partner if required. An agreed written record of the discussion is made and given to all parties present. This signifies that the procedure has concluded.

Stage 4

If an agreement cannot be reached at Stage 3, an external mediator is requested. This person should be acceptable to all parties. They will have no legal powers but can help define the problem, review any action taken so far and make further suggestions. We will request a representative from SFYC.

Stage 5

When the mediator has concluded their investigations, a final meeting between all parties is held. The purpose of the meeting is to reach a decision. The mediator can be present to help reach a conclusion.

A record of the meeting and the decisions made is written and signed by everyone present. This signed record signifies the procedures have been concluded.

The role of the Office for Standards in Education, Early Years Directorate (Ofsted) and the Area Child Protection Committee

Parents may approach Ofsted directly at any stage of these procedures. If there is a possible breach of our registration requirements, it is essential to involve Ofsted with a duty to ensure the welfare requirements as set out by EYFS are adhered to.

They are contacted at:


Piccadily Gate

Store Street


M1 2WD

Telephone:- 0300 123 1231

These details are displayed in our glass cabinet in the entrance hallway and the procedures are explained to parents on their induction.

If a child is at risk, we follow the procedures set out by HSCP.

In these cases, both parent and preschool are informed and the preschool leaders work closely with Ofsted or HSCP to ensure a proper investigation is carried out and appropriate action is followed.


A record of complaints against our preschool is kept, including the date, circumstances of the complaint and how the complaint was managed.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of Rainbows Preschool

September 2021